When you decide to raise Peacock as a pet, you will need to make sure you take good care of it. Peafowl is omnivores and can eat a variety of foods, including grains, vegetables, seeds, and even meaty things like worms and grubs. You will also need to provide fresh water for them, as they also need fresh food and water.
Alternately-colored peafowl
The Alternately-coloured Peacock is a hybrid of the Indian blue hen and purple hen. The peach color is the first of these birds to be developed and was introduced in the early 1990s. Since then, five more colors have been discovered and are currently being developed. In total, there are about 200 varieties of Peacock. However, it is possible to breed the Peach to have a peach or a dark-purple color.
The Peacock is a symbol of wisdom and war in many cultures. In India, the peacock was considered the god of war Kartikeya, and the bird has a special place in the culture of the Buddhists. In Southeast Asia, peacocks are especially common. These birds are widely distributed throughout the world. Despite their unique appearance, many people have never seen one in the wild.
The most distinctive feature of the Alternately-coloured Peacock is its color. Unlike the wild-type Peafowl, the eggs of these birds are born with a different color scheme. This means that when they hatch, they will be readily identifiable. In addition to their distinctive colored plumage, the peachick’s tail color will not match the adult’s.
Another feature of the Alternately-coloured Peacock is the presence of a white gene in its DNA. Unlike the Blue Peafowl, the White Peacock is not an albino. Rather, it is a color mutation that developed from the Indian Blue Peafowl. The White Peacock, while white, still has pigment in its eyes, but is not an albino.
The blue and green peafowl are endangered according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The populations of these birds decreased drastically during the second half of the 20th century as a result of habitat destruction and overhunting. The population of these birds is estimated at between 10,000 and 20,000 adults. The Congo Peafowl, on the other hand, has been listed as vulnerable due to habitat loss.
The tail feathers of the peafowl peacock are shed after mating season. During the breeding season, the peahens lay three to six eggs. These eggs are incubated for 29 days. The newly-hatched peachicks stay with their mother for months, learning to eat, groom feathers, and communicate with another peafowl. By the time they reach two years old, they are almost fully grown. Peacocks live up to 20 years in the wild.
Indian peafowl
The peafowl is an omnivorous bird that feeds on seeds, insects, and fruit. They also eat small mammals and reptiles and sometimes eat human excreta. While this species is rarely found in the wild, it has been bred for a variety of color mutations in captivity. The black-shouldered mutation is a particularly striking one, as the bird was previously considered a separate species and subspecies. A similar mutation is found in the nigripennis gene. This gene causes the bird to appear melanistic in males. The off-white wing ring of this variant is quite prominent and is not visible to the naked eye.
The Indian Peafowl is the national bird of India. It is also known as the peahen. Its feathers are beautiful and majestic. Female peacocks have plumage that ranges from muted brown to green to iridescent blue. The peahen, on the other hand, lacks the peak-like train and has dull, earth-colored plumage. Compared to peahens, peacocks are known for their large size and colorful plumage.

The male Indian Peafowl reproduces during the breeding season, and they reach sexual maturity after two to three years of age. The male peacock flies around the area with his tail feathers open to display his striking features to potential mates. Female peahens select breeding partners based on a peahen’s striking features, including the eyespots on the tail feathers.
The Indian peafowl is polygynous, and it is common to see breeding birds in the spring and summer in Sri Lanka. In the winter, the birds nest in tree cavities. They can be found in forests and are common prey for many large animals. Domestic dogs and human hunters hunt adult peafowl in some areas. They are also used as folk remedies. They are often sold as pets.
The male Indian peafowl’s calls are particularly loud and can be mistaken for shrieks. The calls of the peafowl are extremely diverse, including six alarm calls and seven more for territorial disputes. Males emit three calls that are associated with reproduction. The number and pitch of these calls affect the success of mating. The call is accompanied by the fluttering of feathers on the peahen’s body.
Green peafowl
The distribution of the Green Peafowl in China is presently uncertain. Its population size and distribution concentrations are shrinking in many parts of the country. Researchers conducted a survey in China in the 1990s using the same interviewing method as the previous study. They concluded that the bird is decreasing in number in many parts of China, with its numbers in Yunnan and Tibet being significantly lower than in the 1990s.
In the past, the Green Peafowl was widespread across Southeast Asia. But in the last few decades, it has been virtually wiped out from most of its range, a result of loss of forest habitat, overhunting, and conflict with farmers. Today, the Green Peafowl can be found in only 16% of its former range on mainland Southeast Asia, despite being known in at least four protected areas in northern Thailand.
This bird is polygynous in nature. During the breeding season, males attract females by rattling their tail feathers and displaying their bright, colorful ocelli. Females then build a nest on the ground in a sheltered area. They lay three to six eggs. The female incubates the eggs for about 26 to 28 days. Once the young peachicks hatch, they leave their nests quickly and are self-sufficient. They take about two weeks to fly from their nests.
The population of the Green Peafowl Peacock in North America is decreasing. This is largely due to the human use of their feathers for decorative purposes. Some parts of China and India have illegalized the hunting of this species, so the bird population has plummeted significantly. And because their habitat is limited, it’s not likely to increase much in the foreseeable future. But thanks to captive breeding programs and other efforts, there is hope.
Although the male Green Peafowl is primarily monogamous, it has no parental responsibilities. Studies in captivity suggest that the males of the species are strongly monogamous. Moreover, the close resemblance of the sexes suggests a different breeding system. But the peacock is still a magnificent bird and is an impressive sight! These photographs from Superstock are available for licensing today.

A Peafowl Peacock is a beautiful bird with a large tail, distinctive call, and a regal appearance. The male peacock only displays his large plumage when present with a female peahen. During courtship, he raises his tail above its body and quivers its long tail, attracting females to him. He is a great sight to behold and is a very popular pet.
The Peafowl Peacock is a large bird, growing up to 20 years old. Peafowl lives in groups of two to three birds. Peafowl is typically in pairs or groups and forage during the day and roosts in trees at night. Peafowl is found in various habitats around the world and breed in captivity in both temperate and tropical areas.
The Indian Peafowl is the more common species of Peafowl. It comes from India and is less expensive than its Asian cousin. The peafowl peacock’s tail train is up to twice as long as a peahen’s, and it stands five to seven inches higher. It also has a beautiful crest on its head. Its plumage is a combination of blue and green.
The Indian Peafowl is a beautiful bird that breeds in India. Peahens, however, can be noisy during mating season and can screech. Peafowl peacocks are mature at around three years old. They are able to breed at an early age, although peahens rarely lay eggs in their first year. Peafowl peacocks shed their tails after the breeding season and molt them in late summer.
The Indian and Java Peafowls are closely related. The Spalding Peacock has a slimmer and longer body than the Indian Peahen. Peahens have more colorful feathers than their male counterparts, and peacock chicks are usually larger than the Indian ones. Eventually, the Spalding Peafowl will produce the Spalding White and Pied.
Peafowls are related to pheasants. They are distinguished by the shape of their tail, which is a result of sexual selection. Peacocks are called peacocks in order to distinguish them from other species, but both sexes display the tail in courtship. The Peafowl has a distinct appearance, and the male peacock is the most beautiful of the species.